Visionarium Lab Demonstrates Global Leadership at IEEE VR Conference
April 4, 2023
Students explore the geometry and experimental results from the CLAS12 instrument.

Workshop on Large-Scale Immersive Labs 2023
This peer-reviewed paper will be in the Workshop Proceedings at IEEE and and extended version submitted to the journal Presence.
25 years so far: Lessons from a Large Scale Immersive Visualization Facility
Nicholas Polys and Jayesh Pandey
This article reflects on the challenges and successes of providing cutting-edge immersive visualization facilities for a variety of academic users. For over 25 years, the University Visualization and Animation Group (now Advanced Research Computing) has provided cyberinfrastructure and support for designers, engineers, and scientists with data and visualization needs. We consider the history and evolution of these services and inventory several aspects of their research and educational impact. While there are many other examples of successful installations, we present evidence demonstrating the cross-cutting value of these institutional cyberinfrastructure resources and our prospectives for future research.
This VT CHCI article about IEEE VR 2023 , included a Satellite event in Blacksburg ! Attendees at the Blacksburg event were able to tour the Visionarium in person!